Icecast2 Status

Administration | Server Status | Version

Mount Point: /baladas80.acc PLAY! | M3U | XSPF
Stream Title: Radio Club 80 BALADA
Stream Description: Radio Club 80
Mount started: 07/Sep/2024:18:01:59 +0000
Content Type: audio/aacp
Bitrate: 288
Max Listeners: 100
Current Listeners: 0
Peak Listeners: 1
Stream Genre: Con el Mejor Sonido Digital
Stream URL:
Current Song: - 107. ABBA - The Winner Takes It All

Mount Point: /baladas80.mp3 PLAY! | M3U | XSPF
Max Listeners: 100
Current Listeners: 0
Current Song:

Mount Point: /baladas80.ogg PLAY! | M3U | XSPF
Stream Title: Radio Club 80 BALADA
Stream Description: Con el Mejor Sonido Digital
Mount started: 07/Sep/2024:18:01:59 +0000
Content Type: audio/ogg
Bitrate: 499
Max Listeners: 100
Current Listeners: 0
Peak Listeners: 1
Stream Genre: Con el Mejor Sonido Digital
Stream URL:
Current Song: - 107. ABBA - The Winner Takes It All

Mount Point: /baladas80.opus PLAY! | M3U | XSPF
Stream Title: Radio Club 80 BALADA
Stream Description: Con el Mejor Sonido Digital
Mount started: 07/Sep/2024:18:01:59 +0000
Content Type: audio/ogg
Bitrate: 499
Max Listeners: 100
Current Listeners: 0
Peak Listeners: 1
Stream Genre: Con el Mejor Sonido Digital
Stream URL:
Current Song:

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